Happy Friday! I've updated the beta hex stocking rules with more procedures for generating habitations, including procedures for "buying" strongholds and defens...
Nothing major to report but I did flesh out a bit more on sites and habitations . I hope to add some examples in soon. Next up is probably features ...
Happy Monday! I've been working on some hex stocking procedures. They're not near final but I decided to share what I had-- throw it into the wild and let folks...
I'm going to stream my work on the example hex map that I use in the book. Today, I test drove some hazard tables (coming soon to the published version of the b...
In response to some feedback from Chaoclypse , I've uploaded a version of the booklet in spreads! I also used the occasion to tweak a couple of things and add a...
Happy Monday! I published the first version of the Joy of Hex Maps late last night. I've made the first of what will be many updates to the document this mornin...