Segments and Resistance

The one thing that I omitted from my earlier mechanics was dealing with  traveling. There have been a few interesting takes on travel-- movement points and die rolling come to mind-- but somethings I like to be more or less static, at least to start. As a player, it's good to have some known elements that you can count on and I think traveling is one of them. Afterall, we don't roll dice to see how far we can move down a corridor in a dungeon turn, why would we handle overland travel differently?


Every task takes some segment of time. In the wilderness, we're going to default to three hour Marches of time. Therefore, if it takes one segment to move through a hex of ground, that equates to three hours of fictional time.

Six Mile HexTravel Time (in Marches)


If we want to represent a complex or compound task with a single test, we can add Resistance. Each level of Resistance represents a successful test result required to pass the overarching task. The default is Resistance 1, 1 success required. Resistance 2 would require two successes, etc. When engaging in a task with Resistance, the subject of the task amasses all the dice that they can and roll against the target of the test. Partial successes may be achieved if some successes, but not enough to surpass the Resistance, are rolled. A critical failure may occur if no successes are rolled. A critical success may occur if more successes are rolled than are required to surpass the Resistance.

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