Enlightened Animals

I shamelessly lifted this concept from Princess Mononoke. I really like the idea of certain animals having attained, through (semi)divinity or other means, more than animal intelligence and, along with it, possibly other abilities above and beyond those of their natural species.

To make it easier to create these creatures, potentially on the fly, I want a template. Here's a first draft:

  • Hit Dice: original animal's + 2d4;
  • Attributes: roll 6d6 or use original creature's + 10;
  • Armor Class: original animal's - 2d4;
  • Move: 1.5 x original creature's speed;
  • Attacks: as original creature, increase die size by 1;
  • Special Attacks: roll 1d6 (1-2: none; 3-4: one; 5: two; 6: three);
  • Special Defenses: roll 1d6 (1-2: none; 3-4: one; 5: two; 6: three);
  • Languages Known: roll 1d6 (1-2: original animal; 3-4: plus empathic communication; 5: plus telepathy; 6: plus common);
  • Alignment: roll 1d6 (1-3: chaos; 4-6: law).
1d8Special AttackSpecial Defense
1Breath attackResistance to non-magic, non-silver/iron weapons
2CharmMagic resistance (1d8 x 10 percent)
4Protection from Opposite AlignmentTeleport
7ParalysisSpellcasting, as Cleric of HD/2 level
8Energy DrainSpellcasting, as Magic-User of HD/2 level

The Great Boar

STR: 24 (+5), INT: 21 (+4), WIS: 22 (+4), DEX; 19 (+3), CON: 27 (+6), CHA: 16 (+2);
HD: 8; AC: 3; Move: 225' (75'); Attacks: 1 tusk + special; Damage: 2d6+5 (12); Save As: Fighter 8; Morale: 9; Alignment: Law

All creatures within thirty feet of the Great Boar must Save vs Death, with a -2 penalty, or be overwhelmed with abject fear for 1d8 minutes. Unless killed under the light of a Blood Moon, the Great Boar will reincarnate on the night of the next Hunter's Moon. The Great Boar can cast spells as a 4th level Cleric.

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