Wizard / Boon / Miracle

Yesterday, I did a bit of work on the nastiest end of my wandering creature table. Now I want to look at the other end, which I labeled, “Wizard / Boon / Miracle.” Here I mean “Wizard” to indicate the momentary appearance of a Gandalf-like being. Boon and Miracle are much more vague so it’s table time!

1d6Miracle / Boon
1Revelation! A secret is revealed!
2A sign from the Gods!
3Hey, look what we found!
4We’re healed!
5Was this path always here?
6What a coincidence!

Like the other table, these are not particularly detailed but they’re enough to give me an inspirational jolt in the moment. Context will be important and not every entry will match every situation but I can deal with those as they arise. I can also use this as a generic base and build more specific detailed tables on top of it.

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